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May is Food Allergy Awareness Month

May is Food Allergy Awareness Month – Do You Know What the Hidden Dangers Are?

food allergy

While most of us are becoming increasingly aware that bread and sugar may not be the best choices for optimal health and we are changing our diets to reflect healthier choices, we may not realize there is another hidden danger. Allergies. Wheat is on the Health Canada list of ten priority food allergens, and for good reason. Bloating, nausea, headache, and nasal congestion are just a handful of wheat allergy symptoms that may have plagued you for years, but you didn’t know they are caused by a food allergy. There are other symptoms of food allergies, some much more serious:

Severe allergic reactions (e.g. anaphylactic shock) occur when the body’s immune system reacts to a particular allergen or irritant. These reactions can be triggered by certain foods or food ingredients, insect stings and medications.

The most common food products that cause reactions are peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, soy, fish, wheat, eggs, milk and seafood. Foods account for most of the cases in children…. (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/iyh-vsv/med/allerg-eng.php)

Mustard has also been added to the Health Canada list of ten priority food allergens. If you suspect you are allergic to a particular food, an elimination diet is helpful in identifying which is the possible culprit. Allergy testing is also readily available with a visit to your family doctor or naturopath.

There are other ways to manage allergy symptoms as well. While chiropractic is not a treatment for allergies, it can help mitigate the effects of allergies when they arise. Chiropractic stimulates the central nervous system, which in turn boosts the immune system, helping to combat the uncomfortable symptoms of allergies. Identifying and avoiding foods to which you are sensitive, and getting regular chiropractic adjustments are a great start to managing your nutritional health.

Call us to schedule your appointment today!

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