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Spinal Decompression

Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre (CSDC) is a non-surgical spine care center. It’s a special interest clinic practice with an interest in cases of significant spinal pain. We understand painful spinal problems. Chronic back pain, neck pain and pinched nerves are often due to degenerative, abnormal joints and disc problems that may be causing a lot of grief and seriously affecting your lifestyle. We now attract clients that are willing to drive significant distances and fly in for these limited appointments.

If your case is applicable, DRX9000™ offers a valuable, potentially life-changing therapy for people like you with significant back or neck problems, with or without a pinched nerve.  We are here to provide our clients with excellence in care for you, the individual and to provide the best in current technology for non-surgical spinal decompression. Safe and clinically effective, treatment with the DRX 9000™ can relieve symptoms associated with bulging or herniated discs such as sciatica, chronic pinched nerve(s) causing arm or leg pain and/or numbness and tingling, weakness and disabling pain.

It all starts with a detailed clinical assessment with CSDC clinic director, Dr. Alan Chong. In a typical consultation, he assesses your medical history, past treatments, trauma, surgeries, and physical signs and symptoms. A careful and thorough physical examination is performed to help us reach an accurate diagnosis for you.

A review of all available imaging and tests is done. Further testing may be required for an accurate assessment. Only after discussing your results and an expert opinion, treatment options are discussed. The DRX9000 spinal decompression may be one of the effective treatment options.

There may be many options to help you. Treatment may include laser therapy, manual adjustments with X-ray reference, unique rehabilitative exercises and a host of experience-based protocols to assist you in your recovery. Our goal is your goal, relief first and lasting results.

For more information go to Calgary Spinal Decompression Centre.